Laura Sestini on Saint Joan of the Stockyards, “The Black Coffee”, 27 aprile 2024

Saint Joan of the Stockyards
Laura Sestini, “The Black Coffee”, April 27th 2024

“The show is lively, largely multimedial, with even scenes projected simultaneously from the footage of a smartphone in the hands of SLift/Blaž Šef, who follows Mauler’s stage movements. Numerous breaking news, for the latest economic news, mimic the psychedelic American media style; red and black – passion and death, but there could be so many contrasts – are the dominant colours, leaving no room for other feelings, there is no middle ground, the struggle is between victory and defeat, an instance that concerns above all ordinary human beings, against injustice, the downgrading of democracy and rights, the destruction of the planet’s natural environments. A dramaturgical performance of 110 minutes, where the two main performers, Mauler and Giovanna Dark, are important, timely and convincing. The use of the different idioms of the actors is captivating: besides giving a broader view of global society, it reminds us that there are many different people inhabiting the Earth, but increasingly the main issues of life, the struggles for survival, are common, while politics tries to keep the world population separate for economic convenience, with nationalist and racist strategies.”