28 ottobre – 2 novembre 2024 . VII Convegno EASTAP . Sitges . Spagna

Sitges, Spagna
28 ottobre – 2 novembre 2024
Agata Tomšič / ErosAntEros partecipa alla VII EASTAP Conference che si tiene in Spagna, a Sitges, dal 28 ottobre al 2 novembre 2024.
Il convegno si propone di riunire studiosi, professionisti e ricercatori internazionali, invitando a presentare relazioni e presentazioni che approfondiscano i diversi aspetti di questo tema e offrano nuovi spunti di riflessione sul dinamico campo del teatro e della performance.
Agata Tomšič partecipa a due eventi all’interno del suo importante programma:
- mercoledì 30 ottobre, ore 09:30 – 10:45, Studio 2 – Performative Lectures
– Theatre as a tool to collectively fight climate catastrophe: the example of ErosAntEros’ performance Gaia by Agata Tomšič
– How Do You Do? – Knowledge sharing of artistic practice by Barbara Simonsen - giovedì 31 ottobre, ore 17:00 – 18:00, IAB Theatre
Open Debate
PROFESSIONAL AND ARTISTIC NETWORKING EVENT AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR MEETING. PARTICIPANTS WILL INCLUDE: Temporada Alta (Spain), Choreoscope – International Dance Film Festival of Barcelona (Spain), AF Moment Encuentros (Spain), Lacuna Festivals (Spain), ErosAntEros – Polis Teatro Festival (Italy), Sala Atrium (Spain), Debris Company (Slovakia), Italian Cultural Institute in Barcelona (Italy/Spain), Theatre North (UK), Collectif des Arts du Mime et du Geste (France), Théâtre Diagonale (France), International Performing Arts Festival of Tagier (Morocco), Persona Theatre Company (Greece), Difesa d’Autore (Italy) and others.
Di seguito, l’abstract dell’intervento di mercoledì 30 ottobre:
Theatre as a tool to collectively fight climate catastrophe: the example of ErosAntEros’ performance Gaia
Agata Tomšič
ErosAntEros – POLIS Teatro Festival
Starting from the practices I’ve experienced in the work of the contemporary theater group ErosAntEros, in my performative lecture I point out how theatre can be used as a tool to reflect collectively on our present and to imagine a different shape of the world for the future, with a practical example of action on the topic of environmental catastrophe.
Since 2010 we have been developing an aesthetic-political theatre that manipulates different sources and expressive languages. In 2023 we have developed a project that challenge with the climate change, the pollution and exploitation of planet Earth, creating an evolving, multidisciplinary, participatory and site-specific performance, based on a dramaturgical-visual device, that enters in relation with the places where it is performed by bringing on stage non-professionals, activists and young actors from the area. We also conceived an ephemeral set design of fog and video projections to be adapted each time to the venues it meets, to experiment with new good practices that reduce the environmental impact of production and circulation of the performances. This show will provide a pretext for reflecting on how contemporary theater can face different challenges in the era of the Anthropocene, if understood as a tool through which to confront different orders of reality and urge the audience not to remain indifferent to the past, present and future of our one and only common home, the Earth. Starting from the Benjaminian idea of the dialectic image as a place where different historical times meet and allow us, for lightning moments, to read our present in a new way, combined with George Didi-Huberman’s interpretation of it, underlining the intrinsic politicalness of all images, I will reflect on how the theatrical hic et nunc can be a place where is possible to overturn the roles of our society and inventing a new one, using the revolutionary power of utopian thinking and imagination.